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Notes and Oddments Obituary for Raymond F. Jones Raymond Fisher Jones, age 78, Born Nov. 17, 1915, in Salt Lake City, a son of David F. Jones and Josephine Anderson. He attended the University of Utah. He served as an LDS missionary in Galveston, Texas mission. Married Elaine Kimball, June 27, 1940 in the Salt Lake Temple. She died July 23, 1970. Married Lillian Wats May 2, 1973. Ray worked for the Weather Bureau and the Genealogical Society for many years. He was active in genealogy work his entire life. He retired from Sperry Utah as a publications engineer after 15 years. He was a well known writer of science, fact and fiction, both as a profession and a hobby. He sold his first story to a magazine at the age of 17. He published over 15 books and hundreds of magazine articles. One of his first books, This Island Earth, was made into a motion picture and was one of the earliest science fiction movies ever made. Survived by his five children: David (Darla), Richard (Shirley), Laura Miller (Lee), Mary Gardner (Joe), Peggy Lovell (David), all of Salt Lake City; 18 grandchildren; his wife, Lillian and her five children, Jeff, Claudia, Laye Lynn, David, DeLyle, and two sisters-in-law, Lenore Nitsch; Joyce Hancock (Leonard). Preceded in death by grandson, Rayan Kimball Jones. Funeral services will be Thursday, January 27, 11 a.m. at Winder Sixth Ward Chapel, 4366 So. 1500 East, Holladay. Friends may call Wednesday 6-8 p.m. at Jenkins Soffe Mortuary, 4760 So. State, Murray and 10-10:45 a.m. prior to services at the church. Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. Other obituaries for Raymond F. Jones appeared in: Trivia and Points of Interest The Unofficial Raymond F. Jones Website was founded in 1999. The first story I ever read by Jones was "The Non-Statistical Man". A fascinating and insightful biography of Raymond F. Jones can be found at his son Richard Jones' website: www.mindspring.com/~kimball3 A transcript of a letter to Raymond F. Jones, dated July 4th, 1953, from John W. Campbell, the editor of Astounding Science Fiction magazine, can be found in the following book: The John W. Campbell Letters, ed. G. Hay, T. Chapdelaine, P. A. Chapdelaine & S. Doyle, AC Projects, Inc., 1985. Jones' personal interests outside of writing science fiction included photography, model railroading, anthropology and archaeology. Non-fiction books by Raymond F. Jones
The World of Weather Animals of Long Ago Physicians of Tomorrow Radar: How it Works Ice Formation on Aircraft Articles by Raymond F. Jones "Pigeon Sense" (a scientific article about the use of radar during
World War Two) Comments from fans "Richard, great page! Thanks! I started reading Jones's
SF in the early sixties as a teen. None of my friends ever heard of him and I was
never able to share my love of his stories. I don't think I had thought about him for
many years until I was in a used book store a few weeks ago and happened upon Weeping
May Tarry which I am in the middle of reading. It occurred to me just yesterday
to search the web for him. I am sad to see that he has passed away but yours was the
first picture of him I had seen and I was so glad to see that there are others who
appreciate his talents. I do a number of web pages (professional and otherwise)
myself so I appreciate the work you've put into yours. Keep up the good work!" "Good site, nice to meet a fellow fan. In my opinion Raymond F
Jones is the unsung hero of the SF field." "Hello, I am also a fan of Jones' work, and I'm glad to see
that he isn't forgotten. One of the favorite books of my childhood was (and is) The
Year When Stardust Fell." Bob Dezendorf "I was very pleased to find such an excellent site devoted to Raymond F. Jones.
I've read a few of his books and enjoyed them all. He's never been too popular, and I was
afraid that he had been forgotten - and lo and behold, there's your site! There are so
many other excellent SF authors who have truly been forgotten, but your site shows that
Raymond F. Jones is clearly not one of them. The first 80 pages of Renaissance is
some of the best SF I've ever read (and I've read qutie a bit!)." Ian Cairns "Thank you for your Raymond F. Jones page...I am 56 years old and have been
reading SF since I was 12. As a kid, I was interested in science and especially
electronics, an engineering discipline, and when I realized that people like Mr. Jones
were engineers who wrote about engineers and engineering, I was thrilled! I remember
reading Son of the Stars when I was in 7th grade (US reckoning) and I was not
only impressed by the technical parts (much discussion of alien radio equipment vs Terran
stuff) but also by the way RFJ treated the issues of the difficulties outsiders and earth
people might have, should contact actually happen. After all, if humans can't get along
with each other simply because of skin color and very minor facial features, what chance
have we with others? Once again, thanks for the RFJ material. A special thank you to everyone who has e-mailed me about the
website over the past few years. Your positive comments have been greatly appreciated. Other Authors I enjoy reading many authors and some of my favourites are: Edward D. Hoch, Henry Slesar, Arthur Porges, Raymond F. Jones, Amelia Reynolds Long, Jack Vance, Clifford D. Simak, Robert Sheckley, Clark Ashton Smith, Edmund Cooper, Henry Kuttner, C. L. Moore, Zenna Henderson, Ross Rocklynne, Robert Silverberg, Jack Ritchie, Stanley G. Weinbaum, H. Beam Piper, Leigh Brackett, Edmond Hamilton, Fredric Brown, Gordon R. Dickson, Frank O' Rourke, Robert F. Young, Alan E. Nourse, Mary Elizabeth Counselman, Nictzin Dyalhis, Clare Winger Harris, Arthur Tofte, Mary Williams, David R. Bunch, Basil Wells, Talmage Powell, H. B. Hickey, Ed Lacy, C. T. Stoneham, Arthur Sellings, Audrey Erskine Lindop, Eando Binder, E. C. Tubb, L. P. Davies, Mary Gallati, Paul Feakes, Sydney J. Bounds, Elijah Ellis, Rosemary Timperley, Hugh B. Cave, Kathleen Sky, Elizabeth Myers, Anne Frank, F. W. Thomas, Philip E. High, A. G. Gardiner (Alpha of the Plough), Ursula Bloom, Arthur C. Clarke, Carl Jacobi, Margaret St. Clair, Phyllis Eisenstein, Eric Frank Russell and Frank Sisk. |